Why to Think of a Dietitian like a Dentist...

Think of a Dietitian like a Dentist...

Every 6 months we head to the tooth expert, the dentist, to give our mouth and teeth a check-up and cleaning.Why not give your nutrition a check up with a nutrition expert, a registered dietitian?We go to the dentist to prevent or treat cavities and other possible teeth issues.Meeting with a dietitian you can possibly prevent illness, current GI or sleep issues, future chronic disease, and also enhance energy, immunity or athletic performance.Unfortunately, the dentist sometimes finds an area that needs some care, so we come back for a follow up to fix it.Dietitian's may find areas that are in need of improvements after the first consult. This is why follow up meeting are key to clients success.Everyone knows how to brush and floss their teeth but we still go to the dentist for a check up and cleaning.We may know (or think we know) how to eat as well, but few of us get a check up or a cleaning of our nutrition. Also important to note, dietitians do much more then simply tell you what to eat 😊New life events (pre-post natal, new baby, food allergy, food intolerance, high/lost test results, athletics, children starting school, new job etc) may cause you to alter your current nutrition. Whether that be for you, a family member or the entire family. Getting guidance from a Dietitian can not only allow for an easier transition but set you up for success.So just as we head to the dentist twice a year to stay healthy, think of doing the same with a dietitian. There are more similarities with the two than you may think.  If you think you need a check up, visit Fit Plate Nutrition for a free 15 minute intro call.-Michele Fumagalli, RD