Quarantine Women's Wellness Support Group

Quarantine Women's Wellness Support Group


Do you find yourself eating out of stress and boredom? Need meal and snack ideas? Unhappy with your body image? Unmotivated and needing support during quarantine?

The Quarantine Women’s Wellness Support Group by Fit Plate Nutrition is NOT A DIET, WEIGHT LOSS, or FOOD RESTRICTION program. Rather, it is an affordable option for you to receive nutrition and body and mind support to get you coming out of quarantine stronger then you came in.

This Facebook Support Group is run by me, Michele Fumagalli, Nutrition Expert, Registered Dietitian, Mom, Foodie, recipe developer and Pro turned Everyday Athlete.

We are living in a weird world, our thoughts, eating, mindset, and activity etc. may be looking weird as well. We need support now, more than ever as we all grieve our pre-quarantine lives. Even in quarantine, you deserve to live a healthy and happy life, to work towards finding what works best for you and not what society tells us we should be, eat, do or act.

In this group entirely run in our Facebook Group, you will learn and receive tools to Improve your body image, nourishment, self talk, self care, and movement!

  1. Two to three new recipes every week, cooking tips and a weekly cooking facebook lives.

  2. Nutrition & Wellness Expert at your fingertips (me)

  3. Tips to increase your nourishment of your Body & Mind

    • grocery lists, kitchen staples, cooking skills, snack ideas, meal templates

    • mindful eating vs stress/boredom eating

  4. Workout & daily movement ideas

  5. Weekly Discussion Facebook Live Group (Wednesday evenings at 8:00pm)

Cost: $49.99 or less than $9/week

After paying please, request membership to the facebook group

This group will run through June 1st, if the group wants to continue, we most definitely can continue group.

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