Woman's Wellness Class

Woman's Wellness Class


Learn how to nourish your body and mind in the six week class and begin to transform your life!

Next Session Starts January 13th, 2020

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This class is for Women who…

  • Have negative thought about their body/image

  • Label foods as ‘Good or Bad’ and have food guilt

  • Have an ‘All or Nothing’ approach to diet and lifestyle

  • Follow food rules

  • Constantly dieting, searching for the next ‘thing’ that will solve their problems

  • Have anxiety around food/food groups

  • Need direction, support, and accountability

Each week we will dig deeper into Diet Culture, focus on a nutrition and healthy lifestyle (sleep, mindset, movement) with trainings, assignments, Q&A sessions, 24/7 support, guidance, & a Facebook Support Group.

This Class Includes:

  • Weekly Goals/Focus

  • Private Facebook Group for ongoing support

  • Live virtual trainings & Q&A for skill building, guidance, and support

  • Resources: Nutrition principals, meal planning assistance, handouts, worksheets, recipes, ideas, tips, and more!

How to Begin Your Transformation:

Week 1: What is Diet Culture & How is it affecting me and my health?

Week 2: Getting Out of the Restrict - Binge Cycle, How to Move more + Nourishing Kitchen !)! and Hydration.

Week 3: How to Listen to you Body, Honor your Hunger & Feel you Fullness, and How to Prioritize & Improve your Sleep.

Week 4: Stress Management, Not using food to deal with your emotions, The ‘New’ Realistic Way to Meal Plan

Week 5: How to Add Variety to your Plate - Reframing Good vs Bad Foods, Joy-Setting, Finding What Makes You Happy

Week 6: Eating Out & Enjoying Food with Family & Friends - Growth Mindset and Where to go from here.