Sheet Pan Chicken Sausage Veggie Recipe

Who doesn’t like to wash dishes? 🙋🏼‍♀️

Who doesn’t like long Recipe ingredient lists? 🙋🏼‍♀️

Who wants quick & easy but delicious & nourishing meal options? 🙋🏼‍♀️

Look no further, my Chicken Sausage Sheet Pan Recipe not only is delicious and healthy but an easy clean up.

You will only need THREE Kitchen items for this recipe

  1. Large Sheet Pan

  2. Cutting Board

  3. Butcher’s Knife

You will only need a handful of ingredients

  • Red Onion

  • Sweet Potato

  • Brussels Sprouts

  • Bacon

  • Chicken Sausage

  • Olive Oil & Seasonings

Browse through for Step by Step Directions

Prepare the veggies

Chop 1/2 a red onion, sweet potato and Brussels Sprouts. Cut off ends of BS’s then half or quarter depending on the size of each. The KEY is to keep them as similar size as possible for even cooking. Hence why the red onions are a little bigger and sweet potatoes not too small.

Season the sheet pan with 1-2 tbsp of olive oil and salt & pepper. Add Cinnamon to sweet potatoes and Garlic Powder and Cumin to BS and Onion.

Place the bacon perpendicular to the sheet pan veggies and potato. A little trick to give the pan even more flavor!

Bake then broil

Place the sheet pan in a 400’ oven for 20 minutes. Stir and flip the bacon half way through. I ‘stir’ by literally moving the sheet pan back and forth a few times quickly (with an oven mit on of course).

After 20 minutes, take sheet pan out, switch over from bake to broil. Cut the Bacon into pieces, I easily use Kitchen shears then place the 3 sliced Chicken Sausages onto pan and mix all ingredients together.

Finally, Broil sheet pan for 5 minutes. Add Goat Cheese (optional), serve & Enjoy!

These makes great leftovers as well. My favorite is to add a fried egg over them.

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