Health Tips for E-Learning Success: Keep Moving, Keep Fueling
Set up your kid(s) & self for success in E-learning and remote working with these tips
I do not envy parents who have children in school right now. My daughter, Gwen is only four and even though my husband and I are blessed to have family nearby for help and both currently work remotely from home, I am thankful e-learning is not on my to-do list this fall. HOWEVER, I do want to provide some resources and share some knowledge to help the many families who are having to help proctor, teach and support not only their own work but their kid’s e-learning.
If you are a parent that is now navigating E-learning and trying to juggle a full-time job / everyday life, no matter where learning takes place, things are going to look different in these weird times. Some of us are participating in E-learning, home schooling, the traditional classroom and others may be hybrid with a constantly changing schedule. What is important is to know we are all going through these lifestyle changes and we all feel the pressure to keep our lives on track!
You most likely have already received your E-learning packets, computers and textbooks…but no one ever sent the guide on “how to provide an active and nourishing environment for your kids”. Everyone is E-learning in one way or another including adults with many working remotely..
It is important, now, more than ever to prioritize you and your families health. Being at home more, we ultimately have a greater opportunity to fuel our family with nourishing foods and move more. Anyone like my optimism there? :-) To not only help children get the most out of e-learning and parents out of remote working and teaching, I have physical (and mental) health tips centered around 1) movement and 2) nourishment.
Below you will not only find resources to help create a routine for your child by incorporating movement, and nourishment but also for adult remote workers in order to successfully work through our 2020 E-learning and working. Remember to be gentle and compassionate with yourself during these times, take it day by day, keep moving forward, control what you can control and keep your head up!
Movement for Optimal E-Learning
E-learning is our new “reality” - What does your E-learning space or remote working environment look right now? Are we mostly standing, sitting, or moving?
First and foremost, the human body is meant to move rather than be stagnant. Unfortunately, when we sit we are stagnant, enabling our body from moving freely. Have you heard the term ‘sitting is the new smoking?’ There is a lot of truth in that statement as we continue to live in a more sedentary society, now even more so with remote working and e-learning. You can read some of the health risks associated with sedentary lifestyle as well as why standing desks new to be the new normal in order to create an environment where children (and adults) can live healthier lives.
images from an amazing organization STAND UP KIDS! A non-for-profit trying to get more standing desks in schools. Of course, this is just as important, if not more now, with e-learning.
School is, of course, fundamental to a child's development and well-being, and thus it is important to create a space that is comfortable, but also efficient in supporting his/her education. It’s important to note that this can also be applied to working, especially remotely. I for one, am not a fan of sitting the majority of the time when working. Having the freedom to move, sway, dance, etc keep not only my body moving and not feeling stiff but also helps keep my brain moving. We also invested in a cushiony rug like this one to give my feet a little more support. I stand in 90% of all my client calls and my kitchen counter seems to be a moving work desk much of the time for work emails, creation, and client check-ins. It works for me and the key is finding what works best for you however, remember the human body is meant to move, squat, lean, sway and not be in a stagnant position for hours on end.
Ways to incorporate Mindful Movement throughout the day for you and your family
Family Walk(s): Kids walk to school or the bus stop right? Just like any other school year, a routine should be put in place. Wake up, get ready, breakfast, and before heading to the computer / tablet to start the day, why not put in a family walk? Not only are you getting in movement to start the day but you are also getting outside, which also has so many benefits. AND don’t forget the walk home from school. Whether this is after dinner or when e-learning ends, get back outside and moving as much as possible.
Moving Desks: Whether you prop the computer/tablet on books or a box, or place it on a higher counter/desk give your child and self the option to stand. The cushion mat can also give your child a place to stay so he/she is not wandering off. Like a ‘Home Plate’ type thing. For remote workers, ask your manager if they would cover part of or all of a standing desk. If not, get creative or look for one yourself.
Recess / Unstructured Play: Whether when e-learning is over for the day or before/after lunch time, give your child (and even yourself) sometime to relax, to be free, to play. To turn off learning / working mode and tapping into play / fun mode.
Nutrition for Optimal health & E-Learning
Fueling the body with balanced nourishing food can improve energy, focus, sleep & strengthen the immune system.
Now, for the nutrition piece. Being a Dietitian, I have heard many parents complain about now knowing what their child eats at school. Are they eating their lunch and if so, what and how much? Are they getting enough time to eat? What about snacks? Well, as I always like to put a ore positive spin on situations, in today’s society we will have more influence over what and how much our children are eating. It is essential to create a fueling routine for the children and adults (yes, moms and dads you too!) We need to nourish the body in order to do all the things it is asked to do (by us) throughout the day. I am not going to give you a list of ‘super foods’ to incorporate everyday in order to get ‘boost’ the immune system. Rather, I will share some tips to not only prioritize nourishment but how and with what.
Create a fuel routine: There is a routine when it comes to school and just because school is at home does not meat that should be thrown out the window. With most, I find eating every 3-4 hours to be best in order to balance blood glucose and thus focus and energy. Three balanced meals plus two to three snacks is appropriate for more growing and active children. *Important note: I am a firm believer of trying to eat when you are hungry and stopping when satisfied/full. Be open to some flexibility (if you can) when it comes to exactly when kids are eating. Maybe a morning walk works better before breakfast or recess before lunch etc. etc.
Start the day with a balanced breakfast: It is a well known fact that kids who eat breakfast test and perform better than those who do not. Like all other parts of the body, the brain also needs to be fueled. Breakfast should be part of the families routine (see tip 1). What do I mean by ‘balanced?’ A balanced meal has protein (eggs, dairy, meat, nuts, seeds), color (fruit or veg) and starch (grains, oats, potatoes, rice). Protein is especially important to help regulate blood sugar, improve focus and keep us satisfied longer. With fall flavors coming, try my Pumpkin Overnight Oats recipe for a quick and nourishing breakfast. Side note: asking, what about fat? Most proteins have fat, if it doesn’t I recommend adding in some. BREAKFAST MEALS BELOW.
Three fueling & balanced meals vs. snacking all day: Being at home aka having the fridge and pantry a few steps away may invoke more snacks. However, again for optimal focus, nourishment, and balanced energy throughout the day I recommend balanced meals. Getting in fueling balanced meals will help us feel satisfied longer and keep us from thinking about food (never finding satisfaction) as we have many other things to be doing. Limit grazing on snacks all day and rather, nourish the body with balanced nourishing meals that provide protein, color and starch. Try of my favorite quick Sheet pan Dinners, HERE
Bump of the Nourishing Snacks: Tip 3 is not to demonize snacks, snacks are great! Kids love snacks but many times snacks are equated with not as nourishing or ‘highly processed,’ ‘bad’ and ‘unhealthy"‘ food. Know we can have snacks, they are very important to maintain energy, focus and balance and snacks If anything, let’s start with a mix of not as nourishing and very nourishing foods for a snack. Snacks after all, are simply mini meals while multiple snacks can become a meal. Protein at every meal and snack with color or pairing the protein with a starch food is recommended for great satiety, energy and focus. Try and get a veggie or two and fruit into snacks as well (fruit & veggie advocate here). A few quick and delicious snack recipes from my blog: 10 Minute Energy Bars - Banana PB Choc Energy Balls - PB Cookie Dough Hummus. DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR DOWNLOADABLE SUPER SIMPLE SNACK LIST
Don’t forget about hydration: You may have noticed water dispersed throughout the day on the routine image. Even with cooler fall weather coming our way, hydration continues to be important. Start the day with a tall glass of water and provide each family member with their own water bottle to keep with them throughout the day and refill. Find other fun ways to stay hydrated in my previous blog.
Of course, we could go on with different tips for optimal nourishment like how to add in more fruits and vegetables, fiber, a variety of foods, my favorite food brands, quick recipes, pantry and fridge staples and so forth but I recommend first looking at the bigger picture of you and your families nourishment with these five nourishment tips. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns at
Best wishes,
Michele Fumagalli, RD, LDN
Fit Plate Nutrition